Continued Media Spotlight on Kona Coffee Mislabeling Class Action Lawsuit

Earlier this year, Kona coffee farmers received settlement payments from the final two defendants in the Lanham Act c...

Victory for Authenticity: Hawaii's Coffee Farmers Combat Kona Bean Counterfeits

On February 18 online and February 19 in print, The New York Times highlighted the resilience of Hawaiian coffee farm...

$40+ Million in Settlements from Kona Coffee Labeling Lawsuit

On November 30, 2023, a significant milestone was reached in the battle for authentic coffee labeling. The Seattle F...

Kona Coffee Farmers Win $33m in Settlements

Kona coffee farmers have recently reached an additional settlement of $12 million in their class-action lawsuit alleg...

Last Package of 2022 Coffee Headed to Aberdeen, WA

As explained in our December blog post, the 2022 coffee harvest in the Kona Region was significantly reduced compared...

Limited 2022 Harvest of Kona Coffee

Due to the 2020 introduction in Kona of coffee leaf rust (CLR) and the continued impact of the coffee berry borer (C...

Rancho Aloha animation

Long-time college teacher of animation arts John D. Goodwin visited Rancho Aloha with friends on August 18, 2022.  ...

Rancho Aloha’s Sharwil Avocado Season has Ended

As is the case with other upper elevation farms in the Kona Region, our harvest season for Sharwil runs from late Dec...

Researchers, Yet Again, Link Coffee Drinking to Longer Life

On May 30 a respected medical journal (The Annals of Internal Medicine) published a scientific study linking lower mo...

Progress in Protecting the Kona Coffee Brand

For years the "Kona Coffee" name and reputation have been threatened by fraud and deception occurring in Hawaii, on t...

The Best Video on Why NOT to Buy 10% Blends

The Kona Coffee Farmers Association produced and released a video entitled “100% Kona Coffee” in 2008. The 4-minute ...

Sharwil Avocados - Abundant 2021 Harvest! 🥑 👍

In mid-June Rancho Aloha finished its 2021 harvest season of Sharwil Avocados. During the 5 and ½ month season a reco...
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