Due to the 2020 introduction in Kona of coffee leaf rust (CLR) and the continued impact of the coffee berry borer (CBB) which was first found in 2010, the Kona region’s 2022 coffee harvest has been drastically reduced. In addition to the introduction of these pests, unusually heavy periods of rainfall during the past 2 years—possibly due to climate change effects—may also have contributed to this year's harvest decline.
As a result, this year’s harvest is significantly below normal yields for coffee farms throughout Kona.

Rancho Aloha’s 2022 crop is down more than 80% of the average over our prior 18 years of production. While the prize-winning flavor profile of Rancho Aloha’s coffee continues in this year’s beans, the supply is very limited and coffee sales are currently unavailable. We hope that in January when the harvest is completed, we will be able to offer sales again to our loyal appreciators of Rancho Aloha’s coffee.