As is the case with other upper elevation farms in the Kona Region, our harvest season for Sharwil runs from late December through June. At the Saturday, June 26 Keauhou Farmers Market the last 85 pounds of our 2022 harvest were sold.

Arriving at the market in just the nick of time, long-time customers Larry and Kaitlan were able to buy the last half dozen. Although delighted with their purchase (see the smiles in the photo), they also expressed sorrow over the end of the season.
As many of you know, a sign at the Rancho Aloha’s Farmers Market booth describes Hawaii Sharwil as “The World’s Best Avocado”. While recognizing that “taste” is of course subjective, we nonetheless firmly believe the world’s best description is true.
And remember, Sharwils are the only avocados permitted by USDA regulations to be shipped from Hawaii into the "Northern Tier States" for the enjoyment of our mainland friends.