Rancho Aloha Coffee Flower Honey

Honey is again being harvested at Rancho Aloha.

About 3 years ago the farm’s honeybee hives were wiped out by a recently arrived pest—the small hive beetle. With the encouragement of a local beekeeper friend, this fall two new hives were set up in the center of the coffee orchard. With preventive measures against the small hive beetle recommended by the local agricultural extension office, the hives are thriving.

In May, toward the end of the flowering of the coffee orchard, the first harvest from these hives was extracted and bottled. It is wonderfully light-bodied and floral. 

The honey has had an enthusiastic reception at the Saturday Keauhou Farmers Market in Kona. Here is the review:

 “I used to think all honey was just sweet. Tasting the perfect balance of herbaceous, floral and earthy tones of the Kona coffee flower honey of Rancho Aloha, I have been delighted to discover that honey can be so complex. Other types of honey are often very dense. The Kona coffee flower honey from Rancho Aloha has a smoothness boarding on liquid. It both pours and cleans up easily, not to mention that it is made from 100% organic Kona coffee flowers! I beyond recommend it!”

Liliana Alba
Art Framer, Freelance Model, External TV Producer
Kona, Hawaii


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