Many of us have seen the recent news articles describing the study published in May of this year in the New England Journal of Medicine that links coffee consumption and longevity.
Drawing from data on more than 400,000 people, the study found that coffee drinkers on average live longer than non-coffee drinkers. Further, the researchers found that longevity increased when the number of cups savored by coffee consumers increased to 4 or 5 per day. More coffee correlates with longer life.
The twist on this story that many Kona coffee growers have recognized arises from the fact that longevity in Hawaii is greater than in any of the other 49 states. We believe that enjoying the rich, smooth, and floral flavors of 100% Kona coffee contributes to the long life and happiness of the people of Hawaii!
The obvious conclusion: Kona Coffee = an elixir for long life. Order here!